Black Men Talk Health
Black Men Talk Health Dec 09

Black Men Talk Health

days hours remaining
A free, online workshop for BAME men

Join Church of God Prophecy, Nilaari, Rethink Bristol and Community Access Support service for a free, online emotional wellbeing workshop for Black African and Asian Men.

In this workshop we’ll explore emotional wellbeing and distress, and how stereotypes and recent current events may have had an impact on this. There will be space to discuss the impact of feelings and you’ll learn strategies to manage them and improve your day-today mental health. You'll also have the chance to hear guest speaker Jeremy Grant on The Power That Works Within.

The sessions will be led by, and are for Black African and Asian men only. Any input from white or female colleagues will be administrative.

09-Dec-2020 - 14:00 Start date
09-Dec-2020 - 15:30 End date
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