The first time I distinctly remember my hair being touched by strangers was when I was 11 years old on a bus.

Two old ladies were putting the world to rights behind me, and I tuned them out until I felt my braids being gently pulled and twisted.

I didn’t know how to react so I froze.

On the last day of primary school before we finished for the summer holidays, we had an end of year presentation. It was a special year as we would go on to secondary schools, therefore we would never see each other again.

A girl in my class read out a story (in front of the whole school) about how we had an argument and when my back was turned she cut off one of my braids without me realising.

Everybody laughed - my classmates, my teachers, and even the headmaster.

I had to laugh along but I was in shock that she asked permission to read this and the teacher said it was fine.

Needless to say, I was glad I never had to see her again.

As the years went by, I became adept at doing ‘The Matrix’ anytime I saw a hand reaching out like E.T demonstrating to Elliot how to phone home.

I have let friends touch my hair in the past, as they asked permission and I have felt comfortable and trusted their hygiene!

We have shared two examples in the videos.

In part one, the Black woman tells the white woman politely “I’m feeling friendly today but please don’t touch my hair”

The white woman instantly realises her faux pas and you can see her looking mortified and apologizes profusely.

Has the white woman felt comfortable to do this before?!

(we do not own either of these videos)

#donttouchmyhair #keepyourhandstoyourself #afro #naturalhair #braids #bantuknots #twistouts #twostrandtwists #adeptales #stayadept #solange #goodhair