Wendy Griffith    nuovo prodotto aggiunto per vendere.
3 anni

World Traveller Taster Box - From £24.99

£24.99 (GBP)

London· Disponibile· Nuovo

Plantain, Yam, Scotch bonnet, Rice, Gungo Peas, Guava, Okoro, Mangoes, Chin chin (savoury), Chin chin (sweet).

Small, Medium and Large boxes. Pick your box size, garnish it, relax! we'll deliver it. So easy!

Order Wednesday for Friday delivery. UK Mainland delivery. T&Cs apply. Call 0203 976 3755 or click www.foodfromhome.uk

Contact the seller above for more information or click Link to purchase product directly : https://foodfromhome.uk/collections/fruit-veg-boxes/products/world-traveller

Contact the seller above for more information or click Link to purchase product directly : 0203 976 3755

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