Check this out: Calling ALL reggae stakeholders - artists, producers, promoters, DJs, journalists, bloggers, broadcasters, publishers, academics and fans...

IRD UK (International Reggae Day UK - July 1):

If IRD's new to you, join the meeting to find out more!
If you already know about IRD, join the meeting to find out what we're planning, and let's hear how you can engage!!
A free Zoom meeting for all reggae and black music stakeholders - must pre-book via:

We're currently exploring an IRD UK sub-theme based around BRAFA (British Reggae Artists Famine Appeal) and the New Cross Fire/Black People's Day Of Action @ 40.

BBM IRD Reggae Stakeholders Meeting 9 : convened by Kwaku for, UK co-ordinator of IRD (International Reggae Day).
