Rebirth of Griot African Storytelling and Spoken Word Showcase
Rebirth of Griot African Storytelling and Spoken Word Showcase Jan 29

Rebirth of Griot African Storytelling and Spoken Word Showcase

días horas restante
Rebirth of the Griot African Storytelling and Spoken Word Showcase

Rebirth of Griot was established to encourage and teach adults to learn the art and craft of storytelling so that that they can serve a two fold purpose as custodians of 'ancestral knowledge' and as mentors toyoung people. To provide opportunities for our trainees to perform (entertain and educate) to the Afrikan community; for other new and established artists to perform to the community and to act as agents supporting artists to get work. To act as a publishing house for new and established writers.

29-Jan-2021 - 18:30 Fecha de inicio
29-Jan-2021 - 21:00 Fecha final
Rebirth of Griot African Storytelling and Spoken Word Showcase no ha publicado nada aún