A consideration of the Black child in the early years
A consideration of the Black child in the early years Feb 25

A consideration of the Black child in the early years

dias horas remanescente
Liz Pemberton, The Black Nursery Manager

Liz Pemberton (she/her) is the Director of The Black Nursery Manager Ltd - a training consultancy company which focuses on anti-racist practice within Early Years. With 16 years in the education sector, Liz’s roles have included Secondary School Teacher (QTS), public speaker and up until March 2020 the Nursery Manager of one of the nurseries that were a part of a small chain owned and started by her mother in the late 1980’s.

Born and raised in Birmingham and very proud of her Jamaican heritage, Liz’s vast experience has allowed her to teach, manage, support and educate Early Years students, practitioners and professionals in a variety of forums.

Liz’s decision to not reopen her nursery setting after the first national lockdown was born out of a frustration of the systemic racism and deep inequity which plagued government policies. She saw how these impacted Early Years settings within the maintained, private, voluntary and independent sector. Having managed the nursery setting through Ofsted judgements ranging from Outstanding to Inadequate over her 16-year reign, Liz very quickly realised that the validation of such regulatory bodies meant very little to the community that she was serving. Having always had support from the Black African-Caribbean communities who had been sending their children to the nursery for generations, Liz understood what it was that they valued.

Liz’s mission is to promote inclusive practice in the Early Years (under 5’s) education sector, with a particular focus on how race, culture and ethnicity should be considered in this practice. During her career, Liz has developed a fantastic network of like minded practitioners and professionals, broadening her focus from Nursery Management to sharing her expertise through media. This webinar will present how the pedagogical approach that her and her teams used laid a foundation of success for the children by staying rooted in cultural competency.

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25-Feb-2021 - 18:00 Data de início
25-Feb-2021 - 19:30 Data final
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